Current pastor: Vacant
Established in 1928, Coagh Baptist Church continues to share the truth of the gospel.
This message is very simple:
- All are sinners by nature and by practice.
- Because of our sin, we are already condemned as enemies of our Creator.
- Christ came to show God's love to us, making a way that His enemies could be saved by Him paying the price for our sin when He died on the cross.
- Deliverance from the penalty of sin is only possible when an individual
- Repents of their sin (changing their thinking to match God's thinking),
- Confesses (admits) they are a sinner and need to be saved,
- Believes with all their heart that their only hope is in what Christ did for them on the cross,
- Forsakes any effort on their part to earn forgiveness, and...
- Receives God the Son as their personal Saviour and Lord.
- Everyone who accepts this and acts on it will show signs of the change God makes in them, bearing the fruit of a transformed life.
In the years since the church began, we have sought to faithfully bring this message to the people of Coagh. The methods over the years have varied, but the message remains the same, and by God's grace we will never compromise the message to fit the culture around us.
For those who wish to know where we stand doctrinally:
- We are fundamental in our interpretation of Scripture
- We are baptistic in our doctrinal principles
- We are neither Calvinistic, nor Arminian, but biblical in our understanding of salvation
- We are conservative in our values and style
- We are dispensationally premillennial in our understanding of future things
- We use the Authorised Version of the Bible in all of our ministries, understanding it to be the most accurate English translation in its manuscript authority and interpretive
Further details may be found in our doctrinal summary here.
Please call us on +44 028 86735792 +44 028 86735792 or use our contact form.