Located in the centre of Northern Ireland, between the west coast of Lough Neagh and the busy market town of Cookstown, Coagh Baptist Church has been meeting and ministering since 1928.
Our focus is to proclaim God's message through His Word week by week, and we do so through the following ministries:
- Family service - Sunday, 11:30am
- Gospel service - Sunday, 6:30pm
- Bible study & prayer meeting - Tuesday, 8:00pm
- Sunday School - Sunday, 10:30am
- Friendship Hour - Last Tuesday, 2:00pm
- Mums & Tots - Wednesday, 10.30am
- Women's Fellowship - Third Wednesday, 8:00pm
- Good News Club - Friday, 6:30pm
- Youth Fellowship - Friday, 8:00pm
- *Quench - Second Sunday, 8:00pm
- *Holiday Special - usually last full week in July
- ...and various other special events
For updated information, please contact us by email: info@coaghbaptist.co.uk or check our Facebook Page (link below).
For more information, see our Facebook Page or contact us.
The Coagh Baptist logo wasn't just randomly thrown together.
- The oval shape is based on the shape of the pulpit area in the main building, reminding us that the preaching of the Word of God is central to our activities as a fellowship.
- This is reinforced by the sword with the flame on the handle - representing "the sword of the
Spirit, which is the Word of God" (Eph 6:17).
- The purple highlights signify the majesty and sovereignty of God, and serves to
remind us of the authority of Christ as the head of the universal church.
- And the blue points to the coming of the Lord Jesus to the sky to take His
church out of the world before the seven-year Tribulation period begins. 1 John ch 3 v 3 reminds us that those who have this hope in them will make themselves pure - we will try all the more to live God-glorifying lives.
The motto you see on our logo is based on Philippians ch 3 v 13-16.
- "Reach forth" encourages us to give thanks for what the Lord has done in the past, and to apply the lessons of the past so that we
may better embrace the challenges and opportunities He has for us in the present and in the future.
- "Press on" spurs us on to seek to live holy lives that reflect the character and nature of the
Lord Jesus Christ, who has saved us, so that others may see Him through us.
- "Work together" places a solemn responsibility on us to be involved together in the Lord's
work, however big or small, seen or unseen, that work may be.
- And all this is with one goal in mind - that God might be glorified through us. This simply means that we want God to get all the credit for everything that is done, for without Him, we can do nothing.